EmpowerInnovate Services
- Excellence Frameworks
- Innovation Hubs
- Employment & Labour Force
- The Environment
- Culture & Tourism
- Academic Success & Training
- Health & Healthy Lifestyles
- Housing
- Community Involvement
- Local Services – Identification & Connection
EmpowerInnovate Strategies For All
EmpowerInnovate programs, tools and aids developed, delivered and focused with a priority to hear from and amplify the voices and concerns of racialized and marginalized individuals, communities and groups often not heard from and/or considered.
EmpowerInnovate Strategic Development Services and Empowerment Activities for Individuals, Organizations and Government Entities who provide support and deliver nonprofit services.
Programs | Tools | Aids
Strategies | Coaching | Consulting
Speaking Engagements | Tutorials | Workshops
Community Connections & Conversations
Hills and Valleys Nonprofit Organization develops EmpowerInnovate empowerment activities focused on segments of individuals rather than lumping individuals together as a homogenous group, thereby ensuring that particular attention is given towards the inclusion of voices and concerns of diverse groups in each sector across identities, geographies, subsectors, age groups, and position levels.
- CAREER EmpowerInnovate Empowerment: Coaching; Resume Writing; Interview Techniques; Dress For Success
- ECONOMIC EmpowerInnovate Empowerment: Financial Planning; Budgeting for Home Care, Savings
- YOUTH EmpowerInnovate Empowerment: Youth-at-Risk; Visible Minorities; Girls; Boys; LGBTQ2+
- PARENTING EmpowerInnovate Empowerment: Single Mothers; Single Fathers, Visible Minorities
Hills and Valleys Nonprofit Organization creates EmpowerInnovate frameworks focused on the development of solutions at the organizational, network and systemic levels in an iterative and ever-changing manner that will take into considerations and provide updates as organizations and community groups move through the implementation stage of our work.
- COMMUNITY EmpowerInnovate Empowerment: Advocacy Training ; Developing and Implementing ‘How-to-Guides; Process-Mapping
Government Entities
Hills and Valleys Nonprofit Organization advocates together with Government Entities, at all levels, to modernize benefits and associated analyses, develop recommendations and identify how best to include concerns, challenges, and the voices of individuals and marginalized groups to increase positive outcomes as EmpowerInnovate programs, plans and initiatives are developed and implemented.
- INCLUSIVENESS EmpowerInnovate Empowerment: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Programs, Methoodologies & Tools; Identification of internal barriers against inclusiveness; Review of systemic discrimination within government programs, plans and initiatives